Welcome to Fluid Truck’s Trucker Spotlight blog! We love highlighting our awesome Truckers and introducing you to the great people behind Fluid Truck.

At Fluid Truck, our product is people. We bring in smart, talented people with a lot of ambition and give them the opportunity to grow and expand their skill sets rapidly. Our end goal is to equip every person who joins our team with the skills they need to one day grow beyond us and create incredible things on their own. Interviews are edited for clarity.

Today, we're thrilled to shine the spotlight on JD! JD has been at Fluid Truck for just over three years, and is the Market Manager for Portland, Seattle, Denver, Boise, Salt Lake City, and Las Vegas. JD is a no-nonsense manager who cares deeply about his team, his family, doing what’s right, and the New York Yankees!

What’s your favorite part of your job?

My team. Every adversity they face, they plow through it. They do the job they've been asked to do . I'm really proud of them right now.

When you aren’t working, what are you usually doing?

Generally softball for my daughter takes a lot of time. Taking her to practices or lessons or traveling with her. 

Do you have any pets?

I have a Silver Lab and a Shih Tzu. 

What’s the best career advice you’ve ever received?

“Do what's right, not what's expected.” That's the biggest thing. When people get in trouble they try to cut corners and make decisions that aren't in the best interest. You can run around the world worrying about people's feelings, or you can do what's right. I don't run from conflict, I do what's right, head on. I've had a lot of good managers in my day and I've been managing for about 30 years, and I've learned that you can do what makes people feel good or do what's right. a lot of times that aligns, but sometimes it doesn't. If you want to be a good manager, you have to do what's right.

Do you have any secret talents?

I was a chef for a lot of years. I was a senior chef for Rock Bottom Brewery. They have restaurants all over the counter. One of my best friends graduated from the CIA [Culinary Institute of America], so we do a lot of cooking together. 

I play hockey and soccer, and I build. I was also in construction, so I've never hired anybody for my house. I still find time to cook a lot. I cook for my family–– Their favorite thing that I cook is a recipe for spaghetti that was handed down from an old Italian lady to my grandma. It cooks for like two days. 

What motivates you at work?

Problem solving. There are 1000 ways to do things better. We can't wait for the right choice till we make all the wrong ones. My guys have a lot of good ideas –– So I’m motivated by problem solving and championing other people's careers. Folks who have skills outside of their job and folks who want to move up. You can worry about the job you're doing or worry about the people you're working with –– Get them where they need to go and it’ll be worth it. 

If you had a TED Talk, what would it be about?

Managing the ins and outs of softball. I've never seen so much drama in my life. Drama for the sake of drama.

What would you tell someone who wants to come work at Fluid Truck?

Freedom and environment. We don't have a ton of micromanagers around here. Freedom and environment are the best reasons to work here. 

Do you have a guilty pleasure?

Jim Beam.

Want to work somewhere with an excellent environment and supportive managers? Click here to check out open positions at Fluid Truck.

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