Assign a driver

October 31, 2024

Your driver is ready to hit the road, great! Let's get them assigned to a reservation. Watch the video or read out step-by-step instructions to assign a driver through our website.

Fluid Truck Website 

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1. Log in to your Business Account. 
  2. Open your Account Menu. 
  3. Select Driver Management. 
  4. Feel free to select either vehicle or driver in the upper left corner to view the preferred display. 
  5. Check the box Show Only Unassigned Vehicles
  6. Click Next to the Vehicle and Day of your assignment
  7. Under Assign a Driver, select the Driver and Date and Time for assignment 
  8. Click Assign Driver

And you are off! Your driver can now fulfill the specific reservation.

If applicable: Activating the charger with RFID
If the charging station requires RFID activation, check your keys for an RFID tag.

Follow these steps:
1. Activate the charging station by tapping the tag against the charging station. 
2. Wait for the charger to activate.
3. Plug the charger into the vehicle. 
4. Make sure the vehicle is charging before leaving.