Upload your COI to your business account

January 24, 2024

Upload your Certificate of Insurance (COI) to your business account via the Fluid Truck Website or Mobile Application.

Fluid Truck App

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1. Open Your Account Menu
  2. Select, "Organization Management" Tab
  3. Click on arrow to the right of "COI not completed."
  4. At the bottom of the page, select "Upload New COI?"
  5. Allow the Fluid Truck application access to your camera. Either take a photo or select a pre-existing photo of your COI.
  6. Finally click, "Submit COI Document."
  7. Back on the Certificate of Insurance screen, the status has changed to COI under review. COIs are typically approved within 24 business hours. Reviews may take longer during holidays and weekends.

Fluid Truck Website

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1. Open Your Account Menu
  2. Select, "Company Details" Tab
  3. Click on the "Upload" button next to "Upload Certificate of Insurance"
  4. From your computer document, select a pre-existing photo of your COI.
  5. Once file has been selected, press "Open"
  6. Once successfully uploaded, COIs are typically approved within 24 business hours. Reviews may take longer during holidays and weekends.

Please note, prior to reserving any vehicles, borrower must provide proof of insurance. Upon completion of upload and review, individual will be able to proceed with reservations.

If applicable: Activating the charger with RFID
If the charging station requires RFID activation, check your keys for an RFID tag.

Follow these steps:
1. Activate the charging station by tapping the tag against the charging station. 
2. Wait for the charger to activate.
3. Plug the charger into the vehicle. 
4. Make sure the vehicle is charging before leaving.